This is the exact language for the cash reward I offered my readers from 2008 to 2010:



As the author of this work, I offer you, the reader, the opportunity to redeem a cash award for introducing this work to any literary agent, publisher or producer that offers an acceptable contract [to the author] for this work.  The reward offered is 10% of any initial book advance or option contract for film up to a maximum of $10,000.00.


Why am I offering a cash reward to readers?

  • Odds: 98%+ of all works published today initially found their way to a publisher by introduction as opposed to arriving “over the transom” so the odds are better doing it this way.
  • Volume: Writing is an inherently solitary endeavor and as an author I struggle (off the page) to network, mingle and promote my own work.  Offering readers a reward to do it not only augments my inability but also multiplies the effort as each volume in the hands of reader starts diverse chains of discussion and introduction, one of which will lead to success.
  • Collaboration: Reading is unique among all entertainment vehicles in that it requires effort from the reader: the author and reader collaborate to tell the story.  Hearing what readers enjoy is exciting to any author and the collaboration of this reward program offers the reader a chance to help jump start the career of an author he/she enjoys.  Besides, publishers are much more interested in readers’ likes vs. authors’ offerings.



Via this reward, our mutual goal is to introduce this work to literary/publishing professionals or producers.  Many are likely familiar with the term “six degrees of separation,” the theory that anyone on the planet can be connected to any other person on the planet through a chain of acquaintances that has no more than five intermediaries.  This is what I aim to accomplish here with your help.

  • Think about who you know in publishing (literary agents, editors, readers, executives, etc.) and pass this volume on to them*.
  • Think about who you know and who they might know in publishing.
  • Think about who you know that reads and would enjoy this book.


*Additional online marketing kit for this work (synopsis, elevator pitch, high concept pitch) is available online at


Send any leads as well as any thoughts or feedback on the work to (email address withheld)


Thank you in advance for your help.  D. Eric Maikranz